Some say distance makes the heart grow fonder. In the case of the 'Argon' Dunk, a truer sentiment was never spoken. Once a Japan-only exclusive, the coveted colorway is now yours for the taking. The tonal-blue upper and pulsing crisp white accents make a flashy statement to any outfit. Who's already in the draw?
- Please register on our website to join the online raffle (
- The online raffle is open now and closes on September 24th, 2022 at 23:59 (GMT+7).
- Winners will be drawn and notified by email on September 26th, 2022.
- Follow @atmos_id and mention three friends in the comment below.
- Please make sure your Instagram account is not private.
- Any double entry will be disqualified.
- Your account payment must be under the same name with your registered account at our atmos website.
- Winners will have one hour to complete their purchase. Otherwise your order will be automatically cancelled, redrawn and offered to other participants.
- atmos Indonesia reserves all rights to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.
- If you have any queries please contact our customer service team who will be happy to help.
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